Module:File link
Revision as of 08:07, 30 May 2014 by imported>Mr. Stradivarius (move duplicate size error checks to the setting functions, fix the alignment error message)
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:File link/doc
-- This module provides a library for formatting image wikilinks. local libraryUtil = require('libraryUtil') local image = {} function local obj, data = {}, {} local checkSelf = libraryUtil.makeCheckSelfFunction('image', 'image', obj, 'image object') local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType function data:name(s) checkSelf(self, 'name') checkType('name', 1, s, 'string') data.theName = s end function data:format(s, filename) checkSelf(self, 'format') checkType('format', 1, s, 'string') checkType('format', 2, format, 'string', true) local validFormats = { thumb = true, thumbnail = true, frame = true, framed = true, frameless = true } if validFormats[s] then data.theFormat = s data.theFormatFilename = filename else error('invalid format') end end local function sizeError(methodName) -- Used for formatting duplication errors in size-related methods. error(string.format( "duplicate size argument detected in '%s'" .. " ('upright' cannot be used in conjunction with height or width)", methodName ), 3) end function data:width(px) checkSelf(self, 'width') checkType('width', 1, px, 'number') if data.isUpright then sizeError('width') end data.theWidth = px end function data:height(px) checkSelf(self, 'height') checkType('height', 1, px, 'number') if data.isUpright then sizeError('height') end data.theHeight = px end function data:upright(factor) checkSelf(self, 'upright') checkType('upright', 1, factor, 'number', true) if data.theWidth or data.theHeight then sizeError('upright') end data.isUpright = true data.uprightFactor = factor end function data:resetSize() checkSelf(self, 'resetSize') for i, field in ipairs{'theWidth', 'theHeight', 'isUpright', 'uprightFactor'} do data[field] = nil end end function data:location(s) checkSelf(self, 'location') checkType('location', 1, s, 'string') local validLocations = { right = true, left = true, center = true, none = true } if validLocations[s] then data.theLocation = s else error(string.format( "bad argument #1 to 'location' ('%s' is not a valid location)", s )) end end function data:alignment(s) checkSelf(self, 'alignment') checkType('alignment', 1, s, 'string') local validAlignments = { baseline = true, middle = true, sub = true, super = true, ['text-top'] = true, ['text-bottom'] = true, top = true, bottom = true } if validAlignments[s] then data.theAlignment = s else error(string.format( "bad argument #1 to 'alignment' ('%s' is not a valid alignment)", s )) end end function data:border() checkSelf(self, 'border') data.hasBorder = true end function data:link(s) checkSelf(self, 'link') checkType('link', 1, s, 'string') data.theLink = s end function data:alt(s) checkSelf(self, 'alt') checkType('alt', 1, s, 'string') data.theAlt = s end function data:caption(s) checkSelf(self, 'caption') checkType('caption', 1, s, 'string') data.theCaption = s end function data:render() checkSelf(self, 'render') local ret = {} -- Image name. if not data.theName then error('image:render: no image name was found') end ret[#ret + 1] = 'File:' .. data.theName -- Image format if data.theFormat and data.theFormatFilename then ret[#ret + 1] = data.theFormat .. '=' .. data.theFormatFilename elseif data.theFormat then ret[#ret + 1] = data.theFormat end -- Border if data.hasBorder then ret[#ret + 1] = 'border' end -- Location ret[#ret + 1] = data.theLocation -- Alignment ret[#ret + 1] = data.theAlignment -- Size if data.isUpright and data.uprightFactor then ret[#ret + 1] = 'upright=' .. tostring(data.uprightFactor) elseif data.isUpright then ret[#ret + 1] = 'upright' elseif data.theWidth and data.theHeight then ret[#ret + 1] = string.format('%dx%dpx', data.theWidth, data.theHeight) elseif data.theWidth then ret[#ret + 1] = tostring(data.theWidth) .. 'px' elseif data.theHeight then ret[#ret + 1] = string.format('x%dpx', data.theHeight) end -- Link if data.theLink then ret[#ret + 1] = 'link=' .. data.theLink end -- Alt if data.theAlt then ret[#ret + 1] = 'alt=' .. data.theAlt end -- Caption ret[#ret + 1] = data.theCaption return string.format('[[%s]]', table.concat(ret, '|')) end local readOnlyFields = { theName = true, theFormat = true, theFormatFilename = true, theWidth = true, theHeight = true, isUpright = true, uprightFactor = true, theLocation = true, theAlignment = true, hasBorder = true, theLink = true, theAlt = true, theCaption = true } for field in pairs(data) do readOnlyFields[field] = true end setmetatable(obj, { __index = data, __newindex = function (t, key, value) if readOnlyFields[key] then error(string.format( "field '%s' is read-only", tostring(key) ), 2) else data[key] = value end end, __tostring = function (t) return t:render() end }) return obj end return image